About Us

From insight to impact, transforming development, together.

Our shared values are at the heart of everything we do

At Integrated, we provide insights and analysis that drive transformative, inclusive, locally driven sustainable development for our clients and communities. We are committed to delivering the most reliable, rigorous, forward-thinking monitoring, evaluation, research and learning development-focused services and products in the world.


We believe we need to continuously learn and adapt. As a learning organization, we adopt an intentional and collaborative approach to learning for each assignment and are committed to sharing and applying learning to amplify impact.


We strive to lead and sustain excellence. Most importantly, this means an unwavering commitment to continual professional development and a constant focus on quality.


We recognize that our most valuable assets are our team members and our reputation for quality and integrity. We place a premium value on ethics, confidentiality, and trust.


We believe in experimentation to maximize development impact. We take calculated risks with regional innovators to address pressing social needs, necessarily going beyond business as usual.

Gender Equity

We are committed to engaging women as critical partners in development, encouraging gender equality and social inclusion, and actively promote gender equity in our firm and through our work.